100% Grass-Fed Beef Tallow
Contains crucial vitmains including Vitamin A, B12, D, E and K which nourish and restore skin. Alpha linoleic acids work to maintain the structure and outer barrier of the skin, and are also helpful for anti-inflammatory and immune responses to itchy or dry skin conditions. Stearic and Oleic acid are fatty acids already found in natural skin sebum that are incredibly regenerative, softening and improve's skin overall texture. Conjugated Lineolic acid is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial that improves natural breakouts.
Cold Pressed Rosehip Seed Oil
Rosehip seed oil offers several benefits due to its primary constituents: essential fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin A which improves skin texture and tone.
Organic Jojoba Oil
100% pure cold pressed and unrefined making it the ultimate natural moisturizer. It has an ability to mimic the skin's natural sebum and contains essential vitamins and minerals essential for healthy skin including Vitamin E and B-Complex.
Geranium Oil
At a 1% dilution, this oil is a natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and actively boosts skin's health and natural glow.
Bergamot Oil
At a 1% dilution, this oil is known for its ability to stimulate skin cell renewal which softens skin, reduces redness and evens out complexion.
Rose Absolute Essential Oil
At a 1% dilution, rose oil is calming and supports an even skin tone, skin cell rejuvenation, counteracts visible signs of aging and reduces appearance of wrinkles.